

LAAF_TeoriaMnogości is the second edition of the abstract art festival in Łódź. Exhibitions, concerts, performances, lectures, workshops, tattoo pop-up and much more!

Until the end of the application, there are:

23 days 12h 53min
*Free Registration*


Submit your abstract work and take part in the exhibition! We are looking for paintings, sculptures, graphics and new media.


Our goal is to create a platform where abstract art can develop freely.

Events in the Festival Centre

group exhibition - LAAF
Exhibition A ∩ B
group exhibition
LAAF_OpenCall - competition exhibition
Competition exhibition
Solo exhibition - Tamara Berdowska
Tamara Berdowska
individual exhibition

Previous edition

The first edition of the LAAF
The first edition of laaf
The first edition of the LAAF